Cranky Warlock's Blog

How Did I Get Here?

How did I end up here in the Bear Blog/ world? It’s a rather complex pathway, but I think it’s interesting enough to share, and I’d also like to record it so I can remember how it happened.

Way back in the dark ages of the Internet, I managed a community on the Microsoft Network. When MSN transitioned to using the World Wide Web rather than its own app, I got a crash course in building web sites using HTML. I enjoyed designing and creating sites and got pretty good at banging out code using the Notepad text editor.

I drifted away from web design when MSN ditched its paid community managers. I always wanted to get back into creating sites, but I wasn’t paying attention to the advances in tech, and eventually, things got so complex that I didn’t feel it would be possible for me to catch up.

A few weeks ago, I was browsing the web and saw a link to the site. I took a look and ended up with an address and a home on the Mastodon site. The posts there were exciting and fun, with an eclectic collection of personalities and points of view. I quickly got sucked into the community.

Some posts contained links to blogs on the Beardev site, so I checked a few out. The Bear platform looked like it would be ideal for me, with no complicated tech required, an attractive set of templates, and a complete set of well-written doc files. So, here I am at Crankywarlock

Now, I need to take the next steps: set up my domain name, decide on a permanent design, and start posting regularly. I love the community here and on social media and I hope to contribute something of value.